i miss my mediocrity.

If I’m going to be completely honest with you, I most often feel like this blog is a big waste of time. I know, I shouldn’t allow lack of comments and such to get me down, I should do it for the sheer joy of writing and enjoying the things that I enjoy with fervor. Yet, much of the time there’s an editor in my brain that tells me I should quit.

Well, that definitely won’t be happening. In this busyness of late, when I’ve had no time to blog here on RtM, I’ve missed it so much. So, to the four or five faithful readers of this blog, thanks for being here, because apparently I’m going to be doing this even if I’m the only one reading it.

Here’s to hoping I have time to get back at it over the next few weeks.

5 Responses to “ i miss my mediocrity. ”

  1. Someone once said, “It’s easy to be a writer. All you do is open a vein, and let it bleed onto the page.” The world needs your voice, Scott.

    Don’t quit.

    Don’t ever quit!


  2. as an ambivalent blogger, i resonate with your struggle and, as one of your 4-5 faithful readers, i’m happy you’re angling to return to mediocrity!

  3. I still read Scott, just don’t get tons of computer access or remember to comment(all lame excuses, I know), still love your writing and this blog and sorry I haven’t contributed in sometime 🙁

  4. ArdreyRoast

    If only Google reader made it easier to comment from there . . .

    P.S. Did you hear what happened to me yesterday??

  5. ArdreyRoast

    Also . . . tell the world what you thought of Let’s Kill Hitler!

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