another day, another movie.

For those of you who have been reading what I write for a while, you probably remember last year’s Halloween Moviefest. If not, you can check it out here, but basically it was just me trying to learn a bit more about the world of horror(ish) films by watching one every day for over a week.

It was even more fun than I had anticipated, and it made me want to do the same thing again next Halloween, while also doing the same with different genres. It will feed my film-nerd tendencies by familiarizing me with genres I am less familiar with, like the Western, or by getting me even more experience with genres I know and love, like Post-Apocalypse Sci-Fi.

I plan to call the posts, “Another Day, Another Movie.” Now, in preparation, I could use your help in two ways.

1. What genres do you think I should do? I already have some planned, but I would love the input!

2. The first genre on the docket will be the aforementioned Western genre. Classics like The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Unforgiven will be included, as well as many others. I was going to go see Jonah Hex for this, but then the trailer came out and made it look like Wild, Wild West 2. The last thing the world needs is a sequel to Wild, Wild West.

Anyway, what Westerns should I include in the first Western themed ‘Another Day, Another Movie’ series?

Holla back homies.

8 Responses to “ another day, another movie. ”

  1. Wyatt Earp, or Tombstone? One of those movies would be nice.

  2. Okay I think that you should look at the oldies but goodies to start, Stagecoach, High Noon that kind of stuff then the next group you should do is sports movie

  3. towardeverywind

    i can’t wait to be a part of these. i am especially excited for westerns, as i have very little experience with them.

    maybe we could do a organized crime/mob movie week too … that way i can see “the godfather 1 & 2” for the first time. how embarrassing.

  4. “Seven Samurai.” “The Magnificent Seven” is a remake of it. Kurosawa was way into American Westerns, you could probably watch “Yojimbo” as well.

    What about space westerns? Watch some Cowboy Bebop and Firefly episodes.

    “Once Upon a Time in the West” should be on the list. As should “Shane,” maybe some “Rio Bravo,” “The Outlaw Josie Wales,” “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,” “No Country for Old Men.”

    Throw in “Maverick.” It’s a ridiculous movie, and I’m pretty sure it’s the only Mel Gibson movie I’ll be able to watch ever again.

    • ‘Seven Samurai’ was being saved for another list, but I was just talking to Brian a few days ago about the fact that it sucked that I would see ‘The Magnificent Seven’ before I got to see ‘Seven Samurai.’

      We’ve talked about ‘No Country for Old Men’ as well. I think my only hesitation there is that we just watched it. However, it is one of my favorite movies, so I might just watch it again anyway.

      Everything you mention is good fodder, and I am now seriously considering ending the whole shebang with a day long Firefly/Serenity marathon.

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