back where i belong. [five things, 12.11.11]

Clinical depression and a new full time job don’t make for lots of blogging, especially when there were a few hoops to jump through to get said blog up and running again. It’s not that I’ve been sad, depression doesn’t always manifest as sadness. No, I’ve been pretty tired lately folks. Deep down in my bones exhausted. However, there are several things that have me hopeful that blogging will be happening more often now.

One: I don’t work at Java Bean anymore, and everyone at my new job is really great. It’s basically the anti-Java Bean. I’ve already felt more appreciated at UW (where I work now) than I did in the entire cumulative time I worked at JB. Good management is an amazing thing.

Two: I should adjust to all the things I need to learn and master for the new job, get used to the new social settings, and not be quite so tired anymore, that’s already starting to happen after week two. That means blogging goodness is on its way.

Three: Did I mention I DON’T WORK AT JAVA BEAN ANYMORE?!!!!!!

Four: I also have a new theme I’m going to be trying to get working to make things look nice and sexy here at RtM, which will add even more inspiration to be here. Plus, the lists of 2011 are coming!

Anyway, that’s why I think I’ll be blogging more often, as I should be. Here are five things I’ve wanted to share with you all over the last few weeks while I haven’t been able to blog.

1. Florence + the Machine

I know I was late to this party, but I’m glad to be here just the same. I’ve been listening to Ceremonials non-stop for weeks. Florence Welch’s ability to craft epic melodies and layer them with this big, cinematic sound makes for a crazy fun listening experience. She’s so wonderful. Her music makes you want to sing and dance, but without sacrificing a desire for strong lyrics and emotional depth.

I already mentioned my clinical depression, which means it isn’t too far from my heart when her first single from Ceremonials includes the line, / and it’s hard to dance with a devil on your back / so shake him off / Well, I can’t imagine a better soundtrack for doing exactly that than Florence  + The Machine.

2. Ursula K. Le Guin

Le Guin has, for some time, been one of those authors at the top of the list of those I should have read a long time ago. Her famous Earthsea novels have been on my radar as classic fantasy novels that I really needed to get around to checking out, and finally I am in the know. I read A Wizard of Earthsea and The Tombs of Atuan this month, and boy am I looking forward to future experiences with Le Guin.

Her prose is a delight to read. It’s crisp, and bright, and clean. Her work is deeply moral, as I’ve read it so far, and is filled with a beauty that’s never weighed down by a sickly-sweet sentimentality. She’s one of the masters.     

3. Elizabeth

This film was beautiful in every way. I can’t wait to watch The Golden Age. 

4. Sapphique

The sequel to Incarceron. This and the first book are YA novels about a dystopian future in which a sentient prison is created to be a paradise of rehabilitation, but ends up being anything but.  Set both inside and outside the prison, the books are exciting and smart, and well worth a read.

5. Hugo

A magic trick of a movie about the power of story and identity, and the wonder of film, performed as only a master magician like Scorcese could offer it. If you’re anything like me, you’ll fall in love with movies all over again.

2 Responses to “ back where i belong. [five things, 12.11.11] ”

  1. Yeah glad you are back love your blogs

  2. Yay! You’re back.

    I look forward to the The Golden Age.

    Florence + the Tantrums have been great!

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