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firefly and serenity [rise of the nerd virgins.]

I’m on a Firefly high!  I know I’m more than a little tardy to the bandwagon, 7 years tardy to be exact, but I’m so glad I jumped on.   Scott has been wanting me to watch this show ever since he set his eyes on it, but honestly I wasn’t interested.  And then, I fell in love with Nathan Fillion.

It pained Scott that I would identify Fillion as Richard Castle when talking about his career (yes, I’ve seen Dr. Horrible, but didn’t fall in love with him then).  I’m very glad that I have finally met Captain Malcolm Reynolds.

The show is awesome!  I’m not a huge fan of westerns, or most sci-fi, but Firefly has captured my heart.  I went into it hesitantly, mostly because of all the hype I’ve heard from various people. I was afraid of disappointment.  The only disappointment I have is the fact that it got cancelled.  The show is hilarious, I found myself laughing out loud in various episodes. The suspense and action scenes got more and more complex as the season went on.  I loved the characters and the show felt honest about people who live in cramped quarters, with death never far away.

Now here is where the spoilers enter the picture. So if you haven’t seen the show I wouldn’t recommend reading any further. Instead, go watch it!


I have two favorite episodes – the first being “Our Mrs. Reynolds”.  Scott told me that their was a special guest star and I was really excited to find out who it was.  Low and behold, it is none other than the sexy Christina Hendricks.  I found myself laughing throughout the episode.  The chemistry between Hendricks and Fillion on screen was papable.

I also loved the last episode, “Objects in Space.”  Jubal Early was an excellent character   River was fantastic in this episode and was consistent throughout the series, always creeping me out while also being intriguing.

I have to say that after the 14 episodes I was feeling content with the series, but I’m very thankful that Serenity exists.

Serenity was fantastic.  I was worried throughout about who they were going to kill and who would be allowed to live, I’m glad they stopped the killing when they did.  Also, thank you Joss Weadon for finally putting Kaylee and Simon together, that is one thing I would have been highly disappointed if it didn’t happen.  Though I was saddened with Wash dying, I assumed going into it that both he and Zoe weren’t both going to live.

I’m curious about the Shepard’s past as I would love to see what happens next in the lives of the characters.  But I know one thing – Nathan Fillion will no longer be Rick Castle to me, instead he’ll be Captain Castle.

The end