roused to mediocrity was basically made for this moment.

Friends, I’ve been training for self-isolation my entire life. Now, I’m here to put that training to work for you. I mean, let’s be real, I know I don’t write here very often anymore, but if there were ever a time for RtM, that time is now.

The vast majority of you are stuck in your homes indefinitely. In case you get bored in that time, I’ve got you covered. I’ll be here for the duration of the end of the world, bringing you all the unsolicited recommendations you kept not asking for again and again. There’s no need to ask, my friends. I know what you were really saying with your silence: you want all the recs I have to offer. Of course, that’s impossible, as all the recommendations I have bottled up in my movie/book/show-obsessed brain outnumber the posts I could ever get around to writing, but I vow to try and give you all that I can.

I mean, I’m also trapped in my apartment for the foreseeable future, so what the fuck else have I got to do? I can only clean my apartment and create amazing new organizational systems for my stuff like some sort of handsome organizational genius so many times.

Not that boredom will actually become an issue for me. Even with all the time in the world I will never get bored of watching movies, reading books, bingeing shows, and playing the video games I haven’t had time to play in years. Alas, my obsession with those things is the reason I started RtM in the first place, all those years ago. But with great power, comes great responsibility, so I’ll do my best to take this pointless superpower and put it to work for you in this time of need.

Stay tuned.

