
Another ‘post-apocalypse’ entry will be up later today, but I am thinking about perhaps changing the format a bit of ‘Another Day, Another Movie’ to make it easier, but still awesome.

I want to start the ‘Movies in Space’ edition of ADAM, but I also have a ton of non-space related movies at the top of my Netflix queue that I am really looking forward to. Also, it looks like I’ll be having people over every week or so to watch a different samurai movie. That makes it impossible to do a normal Samurai ADAM. So, what I’m thinking is, I’ll pick a few genres, and commit to watching 30 films from each genre between now and the end of the year.

Again, a good name for this entire blog could be, ‘In case anyone cares.’ In case anyone does, that is the immediate future of ‘Another Day, Another Movie.’ It seems to me it will actually help me even more to immerse myself in certain genres over the rest of the year, because I won’t have to figure out how to free up 10-30 nights in a row for a certain genre. I can just get rolling right away. It would also make it easier to incorporate movies coming out this year, as well as relevant television series and video games. For this year that would include, to name a few: Battlestar Galactica, Samurai 7, Red Dwarf, Cowboy Bebop, and Doctor Who: Series 6.

So, I’m thinking, 30 movies this year from: Samurai, Kung-Fu, Movies in Space (maybe including alien invasion? maybe invasion should get its own?), maaaaybe doing 30 more Westerns? What say you, good citizens? Anyone? Anyone?

Or, maybe everyone hates these and wishes I would stop doing them. Which, would also be welcome criticism, not that it would necessarily stop me.

2 Responses to “ experimentation. ”

  1. I say go for it! I wish I had the attention span to do that. It’s a cool idea you got there.

  2. I like the idea too, I think I’ll end up watching more with you since it would be more spread out.
