wonderstruck. [things i’m thankful for – #15]

Brian Selznick, who previously brought us The Invention of Hugo Cabret, has done it again. Another beautiful book, dealing with many of the same themes as his first big hit. Thus, this is a book about the desire to find family, belonging, and purpose in a confusing world.

The story of a young boy’s quest to find his father, and a young girl’s journey to find a place where she belongs. It’s a book written for me, and, “the millions of other people waiting in the dark for the lights to come back on.”

One Response to “ wonderstruck. [things i’m thankful for – #15] ”

  1. so good. my professor just talked about it in one of her lectures, how it isn’t exactly accessible to blind people. So there is now an audio book, which gives vivid descriptions to the reader (who may have eye sight problems) so they too can enjoy the beauty of Selznick’s storytelling. They have done the audio book for Hugo and are working on it for this title.
