janelle monáe, will you marry me?

There are always those bands and artists you hear about constantly, but never get around to checking out. There is only so much time, and if you love music there is far too much to experience and far too little time in the day.

That’s why it has taken me so long to finally listen to Janelle Monáe. She’s been on the cover of Paste, she’s been raved about by just about everyone, and normally something along the lines of “Future of Soul” or “Future of Hip Hop” is attached to her name.

Usually, when people are praised as ‘the future of music,’ it doesn’t work out. That’s because bands described that way are normally good, and the stuff that sets the trends is normally garbage. Listen to radio rock from the late 90’s, then listen to radio rock from right now. That’s right, sounds pretty much like the same thing.

However, as the music industry continues to decentralize, then perhaps someone like Janelle Monáe can be the future. If that’s true, the future is bright.

She is amazing. I waited far too long listen to her, but after discussing her the other day with Brian, I got her first CD as soon as my eMusic downloads renewed.

I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her.

Folks, you should be listening to this.

One Response to “ janelle monáe, will you marry me? ”

  1. towardeverywind

    I’m glad we talked. She is someone whose name I kept hearing over and over again, and whose face I kept seeing. But, like you, and probably for other reasons too, I just never gave her a chance.

    Thnaks for sharing, bro. the video is awesome, as is the song, as is the woman, as is this post, as is the man who penned it.
