western #10, 'the professionals.' [another day, another movie.]

This movie is pretty well-loved. It was even nominated for several oscars.

I thought it was ridiculous. It didn’t even make any sense. The plot was asinine and absurd, and two of the four “professionals” were basically non-characters. There was one guy who seemed to come along because he knew about horses. At one point he used binoculars to count how many horses the enemy had. That’s right, his expert knowledge of horses helped him count the horses, he also added that there were two donkeys. The same character also tried to trick the Mexican bandits holding him hostage by hinting to his buddies using a coded sign for danger, a good idea, aside from the fact that the code was designed by the Mexican bandits holding him hostage.

The conclusion of the film basically just finally lets the characters do what any reasonable person would have done much earlier on. The closing moments made everything that happened before them, especially the loss of life, completely needless.

Oh yeah, and Jack Palance played a Mexican revolutionary… let’s just say his ability to speak another language convincingly left a lot to be desired.


One Response to “ western #10, 'the professionals.' [another day, another movie.] ”

  1. towardeverywind

    romantic, isn’t it?
