american horror story.

Ecran_Titre_d'American_Horror_StoryI’ve finally gotten around to starting American Horror Story. Another one of the countless shows that have been on my ‘To Watch’ list for years. October seemed like a great time to get started.


I expected to like it, but I LOVE it. It was a genuine struggle for me each night to not start another episode and just stay up all morning binge watching. The first season, now referred to as American Horror Story: Murder House is such a great haunted house story. Now I’m halfway through season two American Horror Story: Asylum. 

I like everything about the show, but the acting is the most impressive to me so far. Across the board the acting is solid, Evan Peters and Frances Conroy quite notable, but everyone takes a back seat to Jessica Lange. During her first scene I had the same moment I had seeing Kevin Spacey in the first episode of House of Cards, in which I realized it was a performance I could watch forever. It isn’t just great acting by Lange, there is something magnetic and uncommonly captivating about the performance. Genuinely remarkable.

At this rate, I’ll probably catch up with the show before the current Freak Show season finishes.

If you haven’t seen AHS yet and there is any chance you can watch a horror themed show you should watch it immediately!



